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Holostoproshivny cloth or as it is also called hpp is an excellent cleaning material from which a floor rag and various napkins for cleaning can be made. HPP belongs to the category of non-woven fabrics. Here you can buy non-woven fabric. Its price is very cheap. Its basis is 100% cotton. HPP is good because it has excellent moisture absorption and is simply indispensable for cleaning rooms. Also, its quality is determined by the frequency of flashing. There is a rare-stitched (10mm), medium-stitched (5 mm) and often-stitched (2.5 mm) canvas. These characteristics determine the quality of the material. Accordingly, the price depending on the firmware will be different. Another feature of this fabric is its width. The usual width is 140 cm. In our price list, you can also find a 160 cm wide xpp. Therefore, you will find the material you need with us. If you want to buy HPP with a density of 140 to 160 g/m2 and a width of 140 cm, then go to the ordering page or write to our mail
TM Medok
USD 72.0/pcs 72.0
Perga   - the main protein feed for bees. They make it from pollen and honey, putting them in honeycomb cells. But before that, the bees enrich honey with special enzymes. The honey-pollen mixture remains in the cells for several weeks. During this time, under the influence of lactic acid fermentation, pollen gradually turns into "bee bread" - bee bread. Due to the activity of lactic acid bacteria and enzymes that bees have added to honey, harmful microflora in bee bread does not develop. Thus, the bees provide themselves with food for the winter. By autumn, bee bread acquires a dark brown color, a pleasant sour smell and taste. For humans, bee bread is a balanced complex of vitamins and amino acids donated by nature. It is ideal for most people and is 100% absorbed by the body. The bee bread contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, 16 amino acids and 13 fatty amino acids, among which are irreplaceable. And in terms of the composition of vitamins, it can compete with the most expensive and high-quality vitamin complexes sold in a pharmacy. The bee bread contains vitamins A, B1 and B2, B6, D, C, E, P, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium and other minerals. Recommendations for the use of bee bread As a complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, bee bread is recommended for use with reduced immunity, vitamin deficiency and high fatigue . It boosts immunity and helps the body fight viruses and infections on its own. Children who take bee bread for several months are less likely to get sick with ARVI and influenza, which makes it possible for them not to miss classes in school and kindergarten. Good results are observed with the combined intake of bee bread and royal jelly. It is recommended to take bee bread for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases . Perga is an excellent hepatoprotector. It cleanses the liver, restores the functioning of its cells, regenerates and improves their enzymatic activity. Bee bread also removes cholesterol, toxins and toxins from the body, thereby relieving additional stress on the liver. It is used in the treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration of the liver, cirrhosis as an addition to the main treatment. Also, in combination with the main treatment, bee bread is used for diseases of the genital area : male and female infertility, prostatitis and prostate adenoma, hormonal imbalance, sexual dysfunction. For the treatment of these diseases, bee bread is best taken with royal jelly or drone homogenate. Bee bread is also used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system : problems in the digestive tract, excess weight, obesity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as metabolic disorders. Perga is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory system , hypertension, arrhythmias, strokes and heart attacks. Women are advised to take bee bread during pregnancy and in the postpartum period . It helps to recover faster after childbirth, increases lactation. Children in small doses can be given bee bread from the age of two, after making sure that there is no allergic reaction. Before that, you must definitely consult your doctor. Perga should be taken by children and adults with a low level of hemoglobin and red blood cells , as well as in the absence of appetite, anorexia. Athletes and people with an active lifestyle will appreciate this beekeeping product. Bee bread enhances physical endurance, helps to cope with stress, increases muscle mass. It is recommended to take bee bread in combination with other beekeeping products : royal jelly, drone homogenate, tincture of wax moth, tincture of beeswax, bee-board. Contraindications Individual intolerance to beekeeping products. Prior consultation with a doctor is recommended. You can buy bee bread in three types: in honeycombs, ground and mixed with honey and peeled in the form of granules. It is best to buy bee bread in granules that have been pre-cleaned, since it does not contain any admixtures of honey and wax, as well as cocoons of larvae and other contaminants that are often found in bee bread combs. This is especially important if you are buying bee bread for children.
TM Medok
USD 72.0/pcs 72.0
The main active ingredient of the gel-balm is the extract of the bee dead. Podmore bees are bees that died naturally. Basically, they are harvested after the spring revision of the hives. The bees are collected, sorted, cleaned of debris and impurities, and then dried well to avoid mold. High quality pomegranate, well dried and without signs of mold, is used to make a gel-balm. The main component of the bee dead is chitin or chitosan. It also contains about 27 chemical elements (including magnesium, manganese, potassium, silver, zinc, iron, sodium, etc.). Podmore contains heparin, which restores blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, affects a large number of pathogenetic links of chronic venous insufficiency. At the same time, it is non-toxic, has no side effects, and is easily absorbed by the body. Heparin relieves inflammation, normalizes blood pressure, promotes healing of wounds and ulcers without scarring, stops bleeding, and reduces pain. In the manufacture of the gel-balm, synthetic colors and fragrances are not used. The gel has a grayish color and the smell of beesworm, which quickly disappears after application. It is easily absorbed, does not leave a greasy sheen. varicose veins pain in joints and ridge, injuries to muscles, tendons, edema, hematomas, infiltrates, anaritium - purulent inflammation of the tissues of the fingers and toes, matitis - inflammation of the mammary gland.
TM Medok
USD 8.0 - 270.0/pcs
For bees, royal jelly is the very first food. It is produced by young bees, whose duties include feeding the larvae and the queen. Only the larvae of worker bees receive royal jelly for only 3 days, and the queen - all her life. Therefore, it lives much longer than ordinary bees - as much as 7 years, and working bees only 35-40 days. But if the larva of a working bee receives royal jelly for more than three days, then her reproductive organs develop and she becomes a queen. This situation arises if a queen dies in a bee colony and the bees urgently need to replace it. Royal jelly is a jelly-like mass of white or slightly creamy shade with a specific odor and a sharp sour taste. Not all beekeepers are involved in collecting royal jelly, since this process is very laborious. Therefore, it is not so easy to buy royal jelly, the price for this product is quite high. It is recommended to take royal jelly: during the recovery period after heart attacks, strokes, operations, chemotherapy , severe illnesses; with angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypotension, myocardial dystrophy, ischemic heart disease, vascular dystonia; if there are frequent nervous disorders , stress, depression, as well as epilepsy; for the prevention and treatment of various disorders in the work of the endocrine and genital spheres , with male and female infertility as an addition to the main treatment; women with menopausal syndrome , menstrual irregularities, hormonal balance; as an adjunct to the main treatment for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impotence ; in case of indigestion in adults and children, lack of appetite, anorexia, anemia; for lactating women with hypogalactia - a decrease in lactation; if there is premature baldness, brittleness and stratification of hair, brittle nails, premature aging of the skin; adults and children with chronic fatigue, decreased immunity , frequent colds and viral diseases. The results of using royal jelly: restoration of normal blood pressure levels. improvement of metabolism in myocardial tissues, the content of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the functional state of the cardiovascular system improves, due to the presence in royal jelly of biotin, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, chromium, vitamins B1, B3, amino acids tryptophan, isoleucine and leucine, a stable level of glucose in the blood is maintained in diabetes mellitus; the production of hemoglobin is activated, the body becomes more resistant to hypoxia (oxygen starvation); the work of the gonads is activated and the optimal hormonal balance is restored; increased libido and increased fertility (ability to fertilize); during the climacteric period, the psychoemotional and physiological state of a woman improves; the risks of diseases of the organs of the female and male reproductive system are reduced; stimulation of the production of testosterone (male sex hormone) due to the presence of zinc, hormones (progesterone, testosterone, estradiol) in the composition, increasing potency, improving the quality of sperm; the functioning of the adrenal glands and other organs of the endocrine system improves; appetite appears, the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines improves, the work of the digestive organs; immunity increases, the risk of developing diseases decreases; in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition, royal jelly helps to reduce fat accumulation, increase muscle mass, increase endurance; during pregnancy, the risk of obesity, anemia decreases, and resistance to bacterial and viral infections increases. Royal jelly is recommended to be taken in combination with other beekeeping products : bee bread, pollen, honey. The complex reception enhances its effect on the human body.
TM Medok
USD 1.0/pcs 1.0
TM Medok - a domestic producer of natural apiproducts invites you to cooperate !! To gain additional competitive advantage and expand your range, we offer to consider the products of TM Medok on BENEFICIAL commercial terms for you. Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, health products are now appropriate even in grocery and non-food stores. Now the world is changing and the demand for immune-boosting goods is growing rapidly. Terms of cooperation with us are attractive and loyal. We provide a discount of 30% -40% of the retail price, which will give you the opportunity to MAKE up to 100% by selling products even at our retail prices !!! -opportunity to purchase from one unit of goods -wholesale prices are valid for orders from 500 UAH. -send the order within 24 hours. All products are certified by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and meet the highest quality standards. Medok's range of branded products contains unique beekeeping products that have no analogues in Ukraine, CIS countries and CIS countries. All products have convenient packaging and are fully ready for sale to retail consumers, so it is a great addition to the range of grocery stores, "ECO", "PHYTO" stores and pharmacies.
USD 0.19/pcs 0.19
Non-woven fabric 75 cm wide intended for the manufacture of cleaning fabrics, technical napkins, and also covering materials. Such a canvas consists of 100% cotton without toxic and harmful components, so that contact with tissue does not cause a person no allergic reactions. In addition, netcol has good hygroscopic properties and low thermal conductivity. Stable structure canvas allows it not to stretch and crumble at the edges. Density material is 175 grams per square meter. Packaged in rolls lengths of 50 and 100 meters.
USD 0.14/pcs 0.14
Sewn fabric is a material that has high rates of hygroscopicity and thermal protection. This product has a high surface density, excellent wear resistance. It shows itself perfectly when used when cleaning floors, glass, dishes, when cleaning a tile surface, polishing various types of surfaces. His used during sewing as a cushioning material for thermal insulation. Also the canvas is often used in furniture production. Density of the canvas is 190 grams per square meter, and the roll width is 80 cm. Supplied in two types of rolls of 40 and 50 meters.
USD 0.12/pcs 0.12
Waffle cloth 40 cm wide has excellent hygroscopic properties (absorption of water vapor from the air), as well as a good ability to absorb various liquids, oils and solvents. For work and household needs, the canvas is indispensable for cleaning premises, wiping hands. Made from 100% quality bleached cotton fabric. It is a leader in the textile industry and one of the most sought-after products. It has a density of 105 grams per square meter. It is packed in bales of 6 rolls, and each roll has a length of 50 meters, for a total of 300 meters of linen per bale. There is also a package of 8 rolls, but the length is 40 meters, for a total of 320 meters per bale.

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