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All Protective Suits suppliers from Russia

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Manufacturer: Hangzhou Zhuomai Medical Technology Medical disposable protective overalls - a set of special clothes used by staff of medical institutions when working in conditions of possible infection by pathogens of especially dangerous infections. - high degree of protection (5) - costume material: two-layer - outer insulating layer: laminate film polyethylene. - inner layer: non-woven material such as spandbond - certification: manufacturer's certificate, EU certificate, Russian registration certificate of RU.
USD 4.03/pcs 4.03
Disposable surgical gown with ties. Lint-free, lightweight, durable, vapor permeable. Protects from dust, paint, aerosols. Color is white (options are light green, blue, pink). Not a medical device. Not subject to mandatory certification. Material Spanbond 40-60 g / sq.m. 100% prepayment. Delivery time is 12 days after payment.
USD 0.54/pcs 0.54
The apron laminated disposable on ties. 800x1400 mm. Designed to protect the front of the body and upper thighs. Lint-free, lightweight, durable, vapor permeable. Protects from dust, paint, aerosols. Color is white (options are light green, blue, pink). Not a medical device. Not subject to mandatory certification. Material Spanbond 40-60 g / sq.m. 100% prepayment. Delivery time 10 days after payment.
USD 7.08/pcs 7.08
One-piece jumpsuit with integrated hood. Front zipper central. Lint-free, lightweight, durable, vapor permeable. Protects from dust, paint, aerosols. Color is white (options are light green, blue, pink). Not a medical device. Not subject to mandatory certification. Material Spanbond 40-60 g / sq.m. 100% prepayment. Delivery 12 days after payment.
USD 0.64/pcs 0.64
Goggles red - orange with a sliding handle, type Lucerne
USD 575.89/pcs 575.89
Цвета:зеленый Тип:Смесовая 65% п/э; 35% х/б; В/О пропитка Плотность: 120±10 гр.м2 Халат на пуговицах с отделкой.
USD 1.63/pcs 1.63
Изготовленный из современного нетканого и водонепроницаемого материала «ламинированный спанбонд» белый комбинезон с капюшоном. Удобный, застегивается на «молнию».Может использоваться с любой сезон. Основные области применения: пищепром, медицина и фармацевтика, автомобилестроение, отделочные работы, сельское хозяйство и т. п.Комбинезон защитит вас:— от загрязнений на различных видах производства;— во время покрасочных работ (подойдет малярам);— при работе с минеральной ватой (стекловатой).

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