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All Women's Vests suppliers from Kyrgyzstan

USD 850.0 - 1200.0/pcs
Manufacture of insulated vests in bulk. Warm vests with lining and synthetic winterizer ⠀ 🍀 Drawing a logo (silk-screen printing, sublimation, embroidery) 🍀 Customization ⠀ We accept orders online
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Women's jacket with a semi-adjacent silhouette with shoulder pads and an open turndown collar of the English type, fastened with 2 buttons. The bottom side of the jacket is rounded. In front with embossed seams extending from the armhole. The side of the shelves is with a detachable lower strip with cuts on pockets that are decorated with buttons. Back with embossed seams extending from the armhole. One-seam set-in sleeves with a length of ж, cuffs with lapels. Imitation of a manual stitch on a collar, a lapel, a cuff, pockets.
Дордой Караван
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 19.1/pcs 19.1
Жилет производство Южная Корея

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