Территория тайги

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USD 1.82/pcs 1.82
Hot cedar is a unique drink that combines not only an unusual taste, but also a pleasant aroma of natural pine nuts. This drink does not contain caffeine, which is why it is safe for babies and expectant mothers. Hot cedar has a pronounced mild flavor, has a tonic effect, improves performance and energizes for the whole day! Basic composition: ground pine pine shell (30%), pine nut flour (40%), cream powder (30%). Hot Classic Cedar 120gr (without sugar) Hot Vanilla Cedar 120g (without sugar) Hot Chocolate Cedar 120g Hot Cedar with taiga berries 120g Hot Caramel Cedar 120g (cane sugar) Hot Cedar "with Fructose" 120 g Shelf life: 12 months. Can be purchased individually or in places. In one place - 12 pcs. Packing 120 gr.
USD 4.45/pcs 4.45
This is a great treat for yourself, family and friends! In the process of creating sweets, only whole pine nuts were used without the addition of other impurities, dried blueberries previously harvested in ecologically clean forests and Belgian chocolate without additives or preservatives. Main composition: pine nut kernel, natural honey, dark chocolate (cocoa liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier lecithin, natural vanilla flavoring). Herbal tea composition: strawberry leaf, raspberry leaf, currant leaf, rose hip, dried blueberry. Soft cedar roasting - 7 types of sweets to choose from at the same price: * Soft cedar roasting with blueberries in a box 120gr * Soft cedar roasting with currants in a box 120gr * Soft cedar roasting with cranberries in a box 120gr * Soft cedar roasting with 120gr * Soft cedar roasting with a strawberry 120gr * soft cedar roasting with lingonberries in a box 120gr * Soft cedar roasting with a pine cone in a box 120gr * Soft cedar roasting classic in a box 120gr. Soft cedar roasting assorted - 3 types of sweets to choose from at the same price: * Soft cedar roasting / assorted cherries (for lingonberries) in a box 120g * Soft cedar casserole assorted (cranberries / pine cone / classic) in a box 120g * Soft cedar casserole assorted (cranberries / strawberry / raspberry) in a box 120gr. Shelf life: 6 months. Can be purchased individually or in places. In one place - 5 pcs. Packing 120 gr. (candy + herbal tea)
USD 3.63/pcs 3.63
A box of such chocolates will be a very unusual gift for your friends and relatives! But do not forget that this delicacy is very tasty! Composition of sweets: dark chocolate (cocoa liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier lecithin, natural Vanilla flavor), butter, pine nut kernel, condensed milk, sugar, cognac. Herbal tea composition: strawberry leaf, raspberry leaf, currant leaf , rosehip, dried blueberries Soft cedar truffle - 5 types of sweets to choose from at the same price: Cedar truffle in natural chocolate classic box 80g Cedar truffle in natural chocolate with strawberry box 80g Cedar truffle in natural chocolate with pine cone box 80g truffle in chocolate box with cranberries 80g Cedar truffle in natural chocolate with raspberries 80g box Shelf life: 6 months. Can be purchased individually or in places. In one place - 5 pcs. Packing 80 g. (sweets + herbal tea)
USD 1.54 - 2.6/pcs
Taiga desserts are a delicious combination of whole pine nuts, berries and pine syrup with maximum preservation of all nutrients thanks to a new approach to the preparation of this treat. You can find out more when communicating with a company specialist. * Taiga dessert with pine nuts and lingonberries Ingredients: dried cranberries, pine nuts, sugar, pine cones, natural lemon juice * Taiga dessert with pine nuts and blueberries Ingredients: freeze-dried blueberries, pine nuts, decoction of pine cones, natural lemon juice * Taiga dessert with pine nut kernel and cranberries Ingredients: dried cranberries, pine nuts kernel, sugar, pine cones decoction, natural lemon juice * Sun dried cranberries in pine syrup Composition: dried cranberries, , decoction of pine cones, natural lemon juice. Shelf life: 24 months. Production immediately before shipping. Always fresh goods! Can be purchased individually or in places. In one place - 12 jars. Packing 250 gr and 120 gr.
USD 1.75 - 2.59/pcs
Jam that gives health! The jam contains only the most important and natural ingredients that give it an unusual taste. The jam is made of small green cones, with smooth, clean sides, which is an important part in the entire cooking process. The young pine cones used in our jam are collected in an ecologically clean forest, the collection is carried out away from highways. Jam is prepared in a special boiler and over low heat so that each cone remains intact and does not boil. During the cooking process, only sugar and natural lemon juice are added to the jam - these are the main components of a high-quality and healthy product. The basic composition of the jam: selected young pine cones, sugar, drinking water, natural lemon juice. Filling: a large number of cones * Jam from a pine cone * Jam from a pine cone with a pine nut kernel - top sales * Kernel of a pine nut with pine syrup * Jam from a pine cone with honeysuckle Jam in this composition and at such a price can only be found with us. A treat that many love! * Pine cone jam with lingonberry Pine cone has a very pronounced taste, and lingonberry berries give the jam a slight acidity. * Pine cone jam with cranberries Pine cone jam with cranberries is one of the wonders of your immunity! Cranberries perfectly remove toxins from the body, and vitamins contained in young pine cones favorably affect the work of the heart. * Jam from a pine cone with cherries. Jam is cooked only from whole berries, pitted cherries and young cones. Shelf life: 24 months. Production immediately before shipment is always a fresh product for you! Can be purchased individually or in places. In one place - 12 jars. Packing 250 gr and 120 gr.
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Categories: Address:
Coffee and Tea, Jam, Mushrooms and truffles, Confectionery, ECO, Nuts & Kernels, Souvenirs Russia, Томск, г. Томск, пер. Добролюбова, д.10/2, офис 214

Томская компания «Территория тайги» является производителем и поставщиком уникальных сибирских продуктов

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