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All Baby Clothing suppliers from Kazakhstan

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Our company produces sterile clothes for newborns under the brand name "Ademi". Newborn children do not yet have a high immune system, they need care and initial protection. It was for the initial protection of the child and care for his health that our product was created. Ademi sterile clothing undergoes laboratory, bacteriological studies, before and after sterilization, and meets the highest requirements. The clothes are completely safe and ready to use (there is no need to wash, iron, take to the maternity hospital and open immediately after the birth of the baby). Material: 100% cotton. Certified by state standards. The production uses the most modern European equipment and certified materials. All products undergo a thorough sanitary and laboratory test before being sent for sale. The goal of our company is to provide an opportunity for small and large wholesale companies to expand their product range with the help of our products and to introduce a new competitive product of Kazakhstani domestic production to the world stage. Given its low cost compared to competitors, higher quality workmanship, completely new, sophisticated manufacturing technology and its high consumer demand, you can increase your sales and have a powerful new product to support your high status of supplier and distributor.
"Детский трикотаж"
Алматы, Kazakhstan
USD 5.51/pcs 5.51
The entire range can be found on our website

Qoovee is a platform for B2B trade and business services. Here you can discover products in any industry, including the Baby Clothing. There are wide range of wholesale products you need on Qoovee. You can find Baby Clothing in bulk from China, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other different countries. The up to date supplier directory is constantly being expanded: now on Qoovee there are more than 20 000 suppliers from 80 countries. All product suppliers, who represent more than 600 product categories, are waiting for you to cooperate with!

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