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All Honey suppliers from United Arab Emirates

AusVita health
United Arab Emirates
USD 23.0/pcs 23.0
Our Australian Manuka Honey is harvested in Australia’s North-East coast. We produce the Finest quality of Manuka honey our bees are fed the nectar from Leptospermum Scorparium Flowers where greater antibacterial properties are produced compared to regular Honey.It assist with Wounds, Infections, rashes, inflammation, immune health and much more. Manuka honey is well known world wide, especially our high quality Aus Vita Health Manuka Honey. The activity strength of the MGO rating indicates the therapeutic benefit of the honey ,the higher the MGO the more beneficial the honey will be. Benefits Mild Strength Manuka Honey Suitable for everyday use Contains natural enzymes & antioxidants Low- Medium antibacterial properties Supports & boosts the immune system Recommended serving between 1-3 spoons daily
AusVita health
United Arab Emirates
USD 15.0/pcs 15.0
Our Australian Manuka Honey is harvested in Australia’s North-East coast. We produce the Finest quality of Manuka honey our bees are fed the nectar from Leptospermum Scorparium Flowers where greater antibacterial properties are produced compared to regular Honey.It assist with Wounds, Infections, rashes, inflammation, immune health and much more. Manuka honey is well known world wide, especially our high quality Aus Vita Health Manuka Honey. The activity strength of the MGO rating indicates the therapeutic benefit of the honey ,the higher the MGO the more beneficial the honey will be. Benefits Mild Strength Manuka Honey Suitable for everyday use Contains natural enzymes & antioxidants Low- Medium antibacterial properties Supports & boosts the immune system Recommended serving between 1-3 spoons daily
AusVita health
United Arab Emirates
USD 60.0/pcs 60.0
Our Australian Manuka Honey is harvested in Australia’s North-East coast. We produce the Finest quality of Manuka honey our bees are fed the nectar from Leptospermum Scorparium Flowers where greater antibacterial properties are produced compared to regular Honey.It assist with Wounds, Infections, rashes, inflammation, immune health and much more. Manuka honey is well known world wide, especially our high quality Aus Vita Health Manuka Honey. The activity strength of the MGO rating indicates the therapeutic benefit of the honey ,the higher the MGO the more beneficial the honey will be. Benefits Ultra High Strength Manuka Honey Suitable for wound care & digestive health Contains natural enzymes & antioxidants Has a prebiotic effect to boost immunity Taken independently orally or topically Can be added to food & beverages Extremely high antibacterial properties Recommended 1 spoon daily or when required
AusVita health
United Arab Emirates
USD 120.0/pcs 120.0
Our Australian Manuka Honey is harvested in Australia’s North-East coast. We produce the Finest quality of Manuka honey our bees are fed the nectar from Leptospermum Scorparium Flowers where greater antibacterial properties are produced compared to regular Honey.It assist with Wounds, Infections, rashes, inflammation, immune health and much more. Manuka honey is well known world wide, especially our high quality Aus Vita Health Manuka Honey. The activity strength of the MGO rating indicates the therapeutic benefit of the honey ,the higher the MGO the more beneficial the honey will be. Benefits Ultra High Strength Manuka Honey Suitable for wound care & digestive health Contains natural enzymes & antioxidants Has a prebiotic effect to boost immunity Taken independently orally or topically Can be added to food & beverages Extremely high antibacterial properties Recommended 1 spoon daily or when required

Qoovee is a platform for B2B trade and business services. Here you can discover products in any industry, including the Honey. There are wide range of wholesale products you need on Qoovee. You can find Honey in bulk from China, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other different countries. The up to date supplier directory is constantly being expanded: now on Qoovee there are more than 20 000 suppliers from 80 countries. All product suppliers, who represent more than 600 product categories, are waiting for you to cooperate with!

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