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All Fertilizers suppliers from Kyrgyzstan

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Trichograms are a genus of parasitic egg-eating riders of the family Trichogrammatidae of the hymenoptera wing. With the help of trichograms, you can protect products from more than 60 different types of pests that parasitize on corn, wheat, barley, peas, sunflowers, cabbage and other plants.
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Trichodermin is a biological fungicide for protecting plants from phytopathogens that cause diseases of alternariosis, anthracnosis, ascochitosis, white rot, verticillosis, pitiosis, rhizoctonia, gray rot, late blight, fomosis, etc. UNLIMITED !!! RESPONSIBLE FOR QUALITY !!!
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UNIVERSAL FOOD FOR ENTOMOPHAGES Grain moth eggs (Sitotroga cerealella) are a natural substitute for food for the mass breeding, accumulation and support of the population of predatory entomophagous populations (lacewing, cyclone, macrolephus, dicipus, orius, anthocoris). It has been established that at the time of absence or during the period of weak settling of plants by pests, the dispersal of eggs of a grain moth contributes to the preservation of the entomophage population and a significant increase in its number (3-4 times or more). The use of grain moth eggs as food does not change the basic biological parameters of entomophages over many generations. The reverse transition to nutrition by the natural host occurs without complication and even with the improvement of the biological parameters of the predator (increase in fertility by two or more times), therefore, eggs can be successfully used to maintain the entomophage population until pests appear in greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as for their mass breeding in biological laboratories.
ОсОО "Эко Агро"
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 6.0/Ton 6.0
Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer obtained by deep processing of cattle manure by a population of a technological worm. Vermicompost contains more than 35% humus, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium of biological origin, as well as a complex of essential microelements, enzymes, soil antibiotics, vitamins, growth hormones. Vermicompost is a unique microbiological fertilizer, which is home to a huge number of beneficial soil microorganisms that contribute to soil fertility. The fertilizer is easily assimilated by plants, improving the structure of the soil and its agrochemical characteristics, which in combination significantly affects the yield of crops. Biohumus does not contain pathogenic microflora, eggs of parasites and pests, weed seeds. Sold in 5-liter PET packaging (the price above is indicated for 5 liters) Composition Nitrogen - 1.8% Phosphorus - 2.0% Potassium - 3.3% pH 7.2 - 7.7 Trace elements: SiO2, MgO, Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O, K2O
ОсОО "Эко Агро"
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 5.0/Ton 5.0
Bio Activator is a highly effective environmentally friendly and organic fertilizer based on the processing of organic waste and animal manure. Does not contain helminth eggs and pathogenic microorganisms, reduces nitrates and toxins in fruits. Improves the humus layer, improves aeration, water retention and infiltration capacity of the soil, as well as the rate of cation exchange. Contains vitamins and microelements necessary for plants. It is used as a fertilizer for soil, foliar and root feeding of agricultural crops. Sold in 5 liter PET bottles (price per 5 liters). Submitted 2-3 times per season. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Composition: Nitrogen - 1.8% Phosphorus - 8.2% Potassium - 9.22%, pH 7.55 Microelements: SiO2, MgO, Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O, K2O

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