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All Household chemicals suppliers from Uzbekistan

USD 2.0/pcs 2.0
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Люффа, Луффа - природная мочалка
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
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The manufacturing enterprise accepts orders for the supply of a wide range of detergents and cleaning products. Detailed information is available on the resource
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
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The organization accepts orders for the delivery of technical salt in Moscow and the Moscow region. Delivery in volumes of 20m3, 25m3, 34m3 We also deliver building materials to construction sites: 1 In Moscow and the Moscow region: Sand, sand salt, crushed stone, screening, expanded clay, cold asphalt, peat soil, coal 2 In Russia: Granite, gravel, limestone crushed stone of all demanded fractions. Delivery by railway transport. 3 In the south of the Moscow region. Limestone crushed stone 20/40, 40/70. Cost - 1350 rubles / m3 with delivery (October 2018) 4 Self-call. Quarry sand. Cost 250 rubles / m3 To calculate the total cost of the order, please indicate the information: Name of the required material Volume of material Requirements for the material (fraction, strength grade, group) Possibility (or lack of possibility) of round-the-clock acceptance of cargo Possibility of travel for tonars (large-capacity vehicles) Payment form ( cash, bank transfer) Terms (or day) of delivery Delivery address Customer's email Customer's phone number We invite you to contact us by email.
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
The company in Russia accepts orders for the wholesale supply of goods based on silver ions: disinfectants, cosmetic and prophylactic solutions for spas and beauty salons, pharmacological agents, liquid soap, mineral water.
Merit Kimyo Invest
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Copper sulfate is used for other compounds, in medicine, food industry, in the production of mineral paints, in agriculture as an antiseptic, fungicide and fertilizer.
Merit Kimyo Invest
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
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Soda Ash 99.4% of grades "A" and "B" in p/p bags of 45 kg., production of Uzbekistan. There is a possibility of export (in large volumes) to the CIS and foreign countries. We will be glad to cooperate.
USD 0.86/pcs 0.86
Гель для ванной комнаты. Чистит, моет, уничтожает бактерии и грибок
USD 1.0/pcs 1.0
Гель для чистки засоров в канализационных трубах. Безвреден для любых видов труб. Устраняет засор за считанные минуты.
USD 0.8/pcs 0.8
Гель Универсал на хлорной основе для мытья ванной комнаты, а так же подходит для отбеливания белья.
USD 0.63/pcs 0.63
Гель антижир легко справляется с пригоревшим жиром, нагаром, жирным налетом на посуде и столовых принадлежностях. Удаляет жир с газовых плит, вытяжек, оборудования для гриля и других поверхностей. Рекомендуется при использовании использовать перчатки!
USD 2.18/pcs 2.18
Гель для стирки различных видов тканей. Содержит компонент смягчающий воду. Полностью растворяется в воде. Придает белью свежесть. Заменяет 3,5 кг обычного порошка
USD 0.78/pcs 0.78
Гель отлично справляется с ржавчиной на любых поверхностях. При работе со средством надевать перчатки!!

Qoovee is a platform for B2B trade and business services. Here you can discover products in any industry, including the Household chemicals. There are wide range of wholesale products you need on Qoovee. You can find Household chemicals in bulk from China, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other different countries. The up to date supplier directory is constantly being expanded: now on Qoovee there are more than 20 000 suppliers from 80 countries. All product suppliers, who represent more than 600 product categories, are waiting for you to cooperate with!

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