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Laboratory equipments in bulk on Qoovee

USD 8.72/pcs 8.72
The tubes are most conveniently stored in such racks. They will not break in them, each tube can be easily removed if necessary and placed in a socket of a suitable diameter. Silicone clips ensure a secure hold of the tubes. The rack is lightweight, rather compact, takes up little space both on the table, filled with test tubes, and without test tubes - in this case, the racks can be folded into one another. In our store, you can choose to buy not only a tripod, but also a variety of test tubes, as well as other medical and laboratory supplies. Affordable prices and a wide range of products will pleasantly surprise you.
USD 2.18/pcs 2.18
Laboratory rack for storage of tubes with outer diameter up to 18 mm. Design features: rectangular rack, two-level, with 20 slots for tubes. The upper level - with through holes for the tubes, the lower one - with sockets that support the bottom of the tube. The side walls of the tripod act as legs and guarantee stability on the table. Material: aluminum. The tripod is strong, wear-resistant, durable, easy to clean, and sterilized at high temperatures. Aluminum is chemically resistant, so it does not corrode from accidentally spilled reagents. This model is designed to store and transport twenty test tubes. The product can be used in a water bath. Dimensions, mm 210x65x94 Number of sockets, pcs 20 Socket diameter, mm 18
USD 85.01/pcs 85.01
Specialized rack for 40 tubes. The peculiarity of this model is that with the help of the support it can be installed at any angle to the horizontal surface. This design is in demand in biological and microbiological, research laboratories for filling agar media, for installing slanting agar tubes. The rack is made of stainless steel, washable and can be used for sterilizing test tubes in a dry air cabinet. The support of the rack can act as a convenient handle with which the product, together with the test tubes, can be carried around the laboratory. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Height, mm 87 Width, mm 170 Working surface width, mm 120 Number of holes for test tubes, pcs 40 Test tubes size, mm 16x150
USD 3.27/pcs 3.27
The striker is a glass rod with sharp cone-shaped tips on both sides and a bulge in the middle. This thickening does not allow the striker to pass through the funnel into the flask with the solution being prepared and prevents fragments of the ampoule from entering the flask. Material: durable glass. Method of application: a funnel is inserted into the flask in which a solution with a standard titer will be prepared, a striker is inserted into the funnel. An ampoule is placed on top of it, with a recess on the tip. Hold the ampoule with your hands. Depending on the shape of the ampoule, another firing pin is placed on the upper recess and hit on it so as to pierce the ampoule from both sides. Sometimes they act differently: the ampoule is struck on the striker, breaking its bottom, and then from the side they strike with another striker into a special depression, breaking it from above. The ampoule, glass fragments and funnel are thoroughly washed with distilled water from a washing bottle. The amount of water should be 6 times the volume of the ampoule. Next, the solution is prepared according to the instructions.
USD 6.21/pcs 6.21
Test tube rack is a convenient laboratory accessory for storing, transporting, heating or autoclaving tubes. Made of polypropylene, a chemically and thermally resistant plastic that can be autoclaved at temperatures up to +120 ° C. Design features: a three-level tripod, all three levels are connected by rods at the corners. The lower level - the base - is a solid plate on which the test tubes rest. Middle and upper level - plates with 18 tube slots. The diameter of one socket is 30 mm. Three fixation points allow the tubes to be held securely in an upright position. Alphanumeric markers are printed on the slotted plates to accurately locate each tube. Plastic tube rack is lightweight, easy to clean, durable. Registration certificate No. FSZ 2011/09223 dated March 19, 2012 Characteristics Manufacturer country Italy Height, mm 75 Width, mm 110
USD 1.58/pcs 1.58
The product is a vessel with a spherical base and a narrow neck, ground at the top. The edge ends with a rim. The flat bottom makes the flask stable and does not require a stand. GOST 25336-82 The flat-bottomed spherical flask with a ground neck is one of the most popular vessels in chemical laboratories. With the help of such flasks, it is possible to assemble installations, since the interchangeable cone allows the vessel to be hermetically connected with other flasks or connecting elements. Flasks are used as vessels-reactors, vessels-receivers; for preparation and storage of solutions; for filtration, evaporation, heating and many other tasks. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 250 Height, mm 140 ± 3.0 Section 29/32 Wide part diameter 85 ± 2.0
USD 2.83/pcs 2.83
Flask with a spherical base, diameter 166 mm, a flat bottom and a neck for a rubber or silicone stopper. The edge of the neck is protected by a rim. Material: glass, inert to most chemicals, does not react with them, does not change the composition of the reaction mixture. Standards: the product is made in accordance with GOST 25336-82. The 2 L flask can be used for various purposes: solutions can be prepared and stored in it; use it for synthesis, distillation, filtration. As part of the promotion in our store, you can purchase this and other types of flasks at very competitive prices. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 2000 Height, mm 250 ± 4.0 Throat diameter, mm 50 ± 2.0 Wide part diameter 166 ± 3.0
USD 2.45/pcs 2.45
The flask is a flat-bottomed glass vessel made of light glass. The neck of the vessel is hermetically sealed with a ground glass stopper. For guaranteed isolation from the environment, there is also a glass cap, also ground in - it is put over the cork on the neck of the bottle. This product is used to measure biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). To do this, the test water sample is incubated under strictly controlled conditions and the amount of oxygen is measured before incubation and after a certain amount of time has passed. The change in the amount of oxygen in the sample characterizes the amount of organic matter that is oxidized by oxygen. The flask is used in biological, biochemical, medical, chemical research, for water quality control. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 150 Diameter, mm 77 Height, mm 145
USD 0.27/pcs 0.27
The 400 ml low beaker is designed for handling solutions and liquids. It is possible to prepare and temporarily store solutions in it, heat them in a water bath, settle liquids with a precipitate, and filter solutions. The beaker can be used as a receiving vessel in chemical plants. A vessel of the same diameter over its entire height (cylindrical). The upper edge has a funnel-shaped outward sweep, is protected by a thickened rim and is equipped with a spout. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 400 Diameter, mm 80 ± 2.0 Height, mm 110 ± 3.0
USD 0.16/pcs 0.16
A glass stopper with an interchangeable cone is a versatile accessory required in any laboratory. With its help, flasks, vials, flasks, cylinders with polished necks, with a thin section 14/23 are sealed. The hollow cork is made of quality glass that can withstand harsh chemicals. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Section 14/23
USD 0.44/pcs 0.44
The beaker is a flat-bottomed vessel that is stable on a table and has the shape of a truncated cone, slightly expanding upward. The neck is equipped with a spout for complete and accurate drainage of solutions. The vessel is made according to GOST 1770-74 from glass with a low expansion coefficient. Beakers are used for the preparation of solutions, for filtration and settling of liquids, for household purposes, for temporary storage, for pouring, pouring substances. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 250 Height, mm 120 Throat diameter, mm 75 Base diameter, mm 55
USD 1.09/pcs 1.09
The jar is designed to store various chemicals. Due to its rather large capacity and wide throat, it can store liquid, viscous, free-flowing reagents, as well as materials in granular form and large pieces. The jar is suitable for storing samples, mineral samples, soil. The container is equipped with a plastic screw cap and a plastic seal for airtightness. The outer side of the cover has vertical grooves for a firm and comfortable hand grip. The jar is high, with a round, stable base. Made of green transparent glass. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 1000 Throat diameter, mm 63
USD 88.83/pcs 88.83
Прибор для отбора проб различных жидкостей из промышленных емкостей большой глубины.Особенности конструкции: поставляется вместе с тросом длиной 5 или 10 м для отбора проб, и заземляющим тросиком с зажимом, обеспечивающим взрывобезопасность. Длина тросика 1,4 м. С помощью пробоотборника можно брать образцы технических жидкостей с заданной глубины; глубина может варьироваться, в зависимости от задачи, от 0 до 10 м.Пробоотборник компактен, весит всего 1,7 кг. Корпус выполнен из стали. Подойдет для взятия образцов как из транспортных цистерн, так и из стационарных резервуаров.Стандарты: соответствует следующим нормативным документам — ГОСТ 2517—85,ГОСТ 52659,ISO 3170: 204,ASTM-D4057-95.Пробоотборник востребован в экспертных организациях и лабораториях контроля качества. Рекомендуется для отбора проб нефтепродуктов: бензина, керосина, дизельного топлива.
USD 378.41/pcs 378.41
Качающий шейкер Dragon Lab SK-R1807-E разработан для бережного смешивания сред для проведения различных исследований. Благодаря тому, что смешивание происходит автоматически, лаборант может добиться быстрого и равномерного смешивания и одинаковых условий при проведении серии экспериментов.Прибор позволяет регулировать скорость вращения в промежутке от 0 до 80 об/мин. Время контролируется вручную кнопкой «вкл/выкл». Максимально допустимый вес с платформой — 3 кг.Шейкер компактен, его можно применять в инкубаторах, термостатах, холодильниках. Поставляется с алюминиевой платформой и противоскользящим ковриком, который не дает сосудам двигаться по платформе во время работы устройства.Если необходимо, можно приобрести специализированные платформы для разных видов сосудов.ХарактеристикиГабаритные размеры, мм 270×330×130Масса (кг) 3,2Напряжение, В 100-240Частота, Гц 50/60Мощность, Вт 20Принцип работы мотора мотор постоянного токаДиапазон скоростей, об/мин 0-80Доп. тем. окружающей среды, ℃ 5 - 40Доп. относит.влажность 80%Смешивающие движения качающиеКласс защиты в соотв. с DIN EN60529 IP21Угол вращения ° 7Макс нагрузка с платформой, кг 3
USD 30.52/pcs 30.52
Данный прибор предназначен для процедурных кабинетов лечебно-профилактических учреждений, но может применяться в лабораториях, при проведении различных исследования, когда требуется напоминание об окончании определенного отрезка времени. Для этих же целей таймер подходит для использования в быту. Прибор настольного исполнения.Таймер механический, рассчитан на отмеривание временный отрезков не более 1 часа. Очень прост в эксплуатации, снабжен большим циферблатом с крупными, хорошо различимыми цифрами и контрастной шкалой, отградуированной в минутах. Цена деления — 1 минута. Временной отрезок выставляется поворотом указательной стрелки на нужную продолжительность с точностью до минуты. По окончании установленного временного отрезка таймер подает звуковой сигнал.Срок службы, в среднем, составляет не менее 10 лет, то есть прибор весьма долговечен.ХарактеристикиСтрана - производитель РоссияГабаритные размеры, мм 86х86х70Вес, гр 350Диапазон рабочих температур, °C 5 - 40Диапазон выдержки времени, мин 1 ÷ 60Относительная погрешность выдержки времени отключения, % ± 8Длительность звукового сигнала (не менее), сек 5
USD 35.42/pcs 35.42
The device with which the content of resinous substances in oil products is determined, some other studies are carried out - in particular, they find out the amount of impurities (sand, mineral salts, clay, etc.) and water in oil, as well as the content of sand in clay samples (solutions ). The Lysenko oil sump is made of chemically resistant glass. Measurement limits, ml Division value, ml 0-7 0.1 7-10 0.5 10-20 1.0 20-50 5.0 50-100 10.0 100-500 25.0 Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Diameter, mm 54 Height, mm 490 Graduated part capacity 500
USD 7.85/pcs 7.85
Цилиндр Снеллена представляет собой высокий и узкий сосуд с плоским дном, с измерительной шкалой на боковой поверхности. На стенке цилиндра, в нижней его части, расположена тонкая отводная трубка для спуска воды. На отводную трубку при проведения исследования надевают трубку с зажимом.Применяется цилиндр Снеллена для исследования прозрачности воды. Пробу наливают в цилиндр и поднимают наполненный сосуд на 40 мм над лежащим горизонтально листом со шрифтом Снеллена. Смотря на шрифт, лаборант сливает воду через отводную трубку. Чем ниже будет столбик воды, через который хорошо виден шрифт, тем менее прозрачна вода.Существуют нормы, регламентирующие прозрачность питьевой, водопроводной и другой воды.ХарактеристикиДиаметр, мм 52Высота, мм 330Цена деления, мл 5Диапазон шкалы, мм 300
USD 3.02/pcs 3.02
The laboratory alcoholometer (hydrometer) is a professional instrument. It is used to determine the concentration of ethyl alcohol in water. It is also called an alcohol hydrometer. It can be used not only in laboratories, but also in everyday life, in production. Professional alcohol meters ASP are calibrated for measurements at a liquid temperature of 20 degrees. The error does not exceed the scale division. The values should be marked along the lower edge of the meniscus. Initial check of ASP models is carried out at the factory. Note! Each hydrometer we sell is different: 1. High quality. The glass tubes used to make the devices are sourced from Germany. 2. Practicality. 3. Long service life.
USD 1.05/pcs 1.05
Multifunctional Y-piece for connecting tubing. Used in laboratory or industrial installations, for example for connecting bends, vacuum lines, etc. The adapter is made of high quality polypropylene and can withstand autoclaving.
USD 0.9/pcs 0.9
An adapter used to connect various pipes, straight and seamless. Material - high quality polypropylene, resistant to many aggressive substances. Withstands high heating temperatures, so it can be hot steam treated and autoclaved. When autoclaving, it is necessary to set the standard mode - 1 atm, 110 ° С. Polypropylene adapters are of high quality and durable, therefore they are widely used for connecting pipes. Characteristics Nominal outer diameter, mm 8/9/10 Hole, mm 4.5 Outer ridge diameter, mm (max./min.) 6,3 / 9/11
USD 0.76/pcs 0.76
A nylon bristle brush designed for thorough cleaning of the inside of bottles and other narrow pharmaceutical laboratory vessels. Wire handle. A convenient high-quality brush with soft synthetic bristles will be extremely useful wherever there is a need to clean narrow and long dishes - in the laboratory, in production, in the food industry, etc. Characteristics Length mm 320 Working part length, mm 100 Working part diameter, mm 60
USD 0.65/pcs 0.65
The long, small diameter brush is designed for thorough cleaning of the interior of test tubes and other small, narrow dishes. The soft synthetic bristles (nylon) will not scratch the glass or plastic of which the container is made. A convenient high-quality ruff is indispensable not only in pharmacy and chemical laboratories, but also everywhere where reusable narrow-shaped or narrow-necked dishes are used for various jobs. Characteristics Length mm 280 Working part length, mm 100 Working part diameter, mm 25
USD 1.42/pcs 1.42
An important component of the vacuum pump, a tube with the largest diameter of 14.5 mm and the smallest diameter of 9 mm. Has a length of 37 cm. Polypropylene is a modern, high-quality and durable material, therefore both polypropylene vacuum pumps and tubes made of this material serve for a long time and do not present any difficulties in their care. In the Prime Chemicals Group store, you can buy the pump itself, of which this tube is a part. Characteristics Manufacturer country Italy Length mm 37 Largest / smallest diameter, mm 14.5 / 9
USD 0.28/pcs 0.28
Disposable pipette used for serological testing. Sterilized by gamma rays, sold individually. Graduation is applied with black indelible paint. At the top end there is a filter, the color of which is regulated by international standards. For serological pipettes with a volume of 2 ml, it was found that they are equipped with a green filter. The product is not cytotoxic, pyrogen-free, and has no hemolytic effect. The main overflow scale continues with a negative scale. Made of modern material - crystalline polystyrene. Registration certificate No. FSZ 2012/11857 dated March 28, 2012 Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 2 Division value, ml 0.1 Length mm 278 Nominal outer diameter, mm 6.5
USD 0.31/pcs 0.31
The conical plug with a ground cut has an ergonomic shape that makes it easy to remove from the container. Suitable for use with any container, the neck of which fits the cork in size. Suitable for sealing vessels containing easily evaporating, volatile substances. Also protects the contents of vessels from debris and dust. If the container tilts or even falls without breaking, the stopper will prevent its contents from falling out or flowing out.
USD 0.08/pcs 0.08
Samples, materials and samples of various substances are usually stored in sealed tubes. Because tubes are often sold without caps, they must be purchased separately. Made of high quality polyethylene, these covers are an excellent choice. The well-thought-out shape of the stoppers allows you to easily and quickly seal the tube, and if necessary, you can open it without effort. The stopper fits snugly against the tube so that the contents of the container will not spill. The corks are multi-colored, so they can serve as additional filters to help differentiate the contents and reduce the risk of accidentally picking up the wrong tube. Registration certificate of stoppers for 16 mm test tubes - No. FSZ 2011/09223 dated February 25, 2011
USD 1.53/pcs 1.53
Laboratory jar with graduation. A 50 ml vessel is made of durable polypropylene and can be used for storing liquid and bulk substances. The wide mouth with a diameter of 24 mm makes it easy to place substances in the vessel and to remove them with the same ease. This container can withstand high temperatures, which allows it to autoclave, and also to pour hot liquids inside. The product is universal, it can be used for various research or production work. Due to the strength and wear resistance of the material, the can will last a long time. Characteristics Manufacturer country Italy Volume, ml 50 Height, mm 88 Throat diameter, mm 24 Division value, ml ten
USD 0.98/pcs 0.98
A plastic measuring cup is a convenient tool for a laboratory assistant. It is made of high quality stabilized polypropylene, which is hard, heat and chemical resistant. It can be used in much the same way as a glass beaker, it cannot only be heated on stoves and burners. Can be sterilized in an autoclave or by boiling, since the permissible temperature for long-term operation without consequences for the product is up to +130 ° C. The glass is equipped with a handle, a spout and a relief measuring scale in milliliters. The scale is approximate. The container is suitable for working with various materials in liquid and free-flowing form, for preparing solutions, filtering, settling liquids with sediment. Characteristics Volume, ml 500 Height, mm 115 Throat diameter, mm 85 Division value, ml 25
USD 3.92/pcs 3.92
Laboratory wash bottle for rinsing dishes, glass tubes, various devices. Design features: The base of the wash bottle is a 1 liter plastic bottle with a screw cap and a tube with a tapered tip that provides a firm and strong stream of washing solution. The bottle is cylindrical, 245 mm high (with the tube) and 90 mm in diameter. The tube is curved and narrow, can be inserted into glass tubes. Materials: made of translucent white polyethylene, resistant to most acids, even concentrated (except nitric), alkalis, salt solutions. The wash bottle is supplied fully equipped, with its help you can not only rinse the dishes, but also clean them from sediments, deliver the cleaning solution to hard-to-reach places. Registration certificate No. FSZ 2012/11857 dated March 28, 2012 Characteristics Volume, ml 1000 Height, mm 245 ± 1 (total) Throat diameter, mm 20 (internal) Division value, ml 100 Nominal outer diameter, mm 90
USD 1.8/pcs 1.8
Полиэтиленовая промывалка — простое и удобное приспособление. Ею можно ополаскивать лабораторную посуду или доставлять очищающий раствор в места, до которых сложно добраться иным способом, чем направленной струей чистящего средства.Промывалка состоит из:— сосуда;— завинчивающейся крышки; — канюли, вставляющейся в сосуд через крышку.На стенки сосуда снаружи нанесена рельефная градуировка объема в миллилитрах. Канюля изогнута для удобства эксплуатации.Помывалка изготовлена из полужесткого полиэтилена. Оно легко сжимается для создания сильной направленной струи ополаскивателя или очистителя.Полиэтилен устойчив к воде, щелочам, большинству кислот, органическим растворителям.ХарактеристикиОбъем, мл 250Высота, мм 170±1Диаметр горла, мм (внутренний) 16Диаметр рабочей части, мм 62
USD 1.63/pcs 1.63
Высокий цилиндр с мерной рельефной шкалой, носиком и широким шестиугольным основанием – стандартный лабораторный инструмент, используемый для точного измерения объемов жидких веществ.Данное изделие изготовлено из полупрозрачного полипропилена. К его достоинствам можно отнести небольшой вес, удобство в эксплуатации (его трудно разбить), устойчивость к неконцентрированным кислотам, щелочам и солям. К недостаткам – старение под действием ультрафиолетовых веществ и органических растворителей.Цииндр можно стерилизовать кипячением.ХарактеристикиСтрана - производитель РоссияОбъем, мл 100Высота, мм 246Цена деления, мл 1Диаметр рабочей части, мм 28 (внутренний)
USD 8.72/pcs 8.72
Измерительный цилиндр из полупрозрачного полипропилена с рельефной градуировкой. Сосуд высокий, поэтому для устойчивости снабжен гексагональным широким основанием, отлитым как единое целое с цилиндром. Горловина с носиком, чтобы можно было перелить отмеренное количество жидкости, не потеряв ни капли.Мерный пластиковый цилиндр применяется аналогично стеклянному – это полноценный аналитический лабораторный прибор. На его стенки нанесены мерная шкала, обозначение класса точности, единицы измерения, погрешность измерений и температура, при которой будет достигнута заявленная точность.Изделие из полипропилена устойчиво к активным химическим веществам, кроме органических растворителей и сильных окислителей.ХарактеристикиСтрана - производитель РоссияОбъем, мл 1000Высота, мм 438Цена деления, мл 10Диаметр рабочей части, мм 64 (внутренний)
USD 6.98/pcs 6.98
Laboratory cylinder with a volume of 0.5 liters, with a reliable and stable hexagonal base and graduation on the side surface. The tool is made of high quality polypropylene, resistant to concentrated acids and alkalis, has high resistance to aldehydes, as well as aliphatic alcohols and hydrocarbons. The product allows you to accurately measure liquids or bulk chemicals. Also, the cylinder can be used for mixing reagents or preparing solutions. The cylinder can withstand sterilization by hot steam (at temperatures up to 121 ° C), as well as gas (ethylene oxide), formalin or ethanol. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 500
USD 3.05/pcs 3.05
Measuring plastic cylinder. The shape is tall, with a spout and a wide, hexagonal stable base. Relief graduation. Measuring scale in milliliters, graduation is 2 ml. The vessel is made of transparent matt polypropylene, a material resistant to chemicals. The exception is very strong oxidizing agents, such as concentrated fuming nitric acid, oleum, and halogens. It is also not recommended to use the product for measuring the volume of organic solvents. The graduated cylinder should be used for liquids at room temperature because it was calibrated at + 20 ° C. The vessel can be sterilized by boiling. Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 250 Height, mm 312 Throat diameter, mm 40 (internal) Division value, ml 2
USD 0.54/pcs 0.54
Single-section Petri dish, 120 mm in diameter, made of polystyrene. The product is intended for single use and is supplied in sterile packaging. The very method of making the cup is organized in such a way as to obtain a biologically sterile vessel. Manufacturing and packaging takes place at a high temperature, while the environment is sterilized and free from dust. Special equipment with hot runner molds guarantees the highest quality of the cup surface. The product is intended for growing biological cultures in different environments. Reg. Certificate No. FSZ 2011/09223 dated February 25, 2011. Characteristics Height, mm nineteen Nominal outer diameter, mm 120
USD 0.31/pcs 0.31
Conical biological test tube. Plastic, transparent. A measuring scale with a graduation of 2.5 ml and a white field for marking the biomaterial are applied to the walls with durable white paint. The product is closed with a plastic screw cap. The test tube is designed for analytical work and centrifugation of the materials under study. It is used in biology, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, forensic science. The vessel and lid are made of polypropylene, which is chemically resistant to acids, salts and alkalis. The tube is not suitable for working with organic solvents. Suitable for long-term work with hot solutions (up to a temperature of + 100 ° C). Reg. Certificate No. FSZ 2012/11857 dated March 28, 2012 Characteristics Manufacturer country Russia Volume, ml 50 Height, mm 117 Division value, ml 2.5 Working part diameter, mm 29
USD 0.16/pcs 0.16
Пробирка для биологических исследований, разработана для обработки образцов в центрифуге.Особенности конструкции: коническая пробирка, закрывается навинчивающейся сверху пластиковой крышкой. Рассчитана на емкость 15 мл. На внешние стенки химически и термически устойчивой краской нанесена шкала белого цвета. Имеется поле белого цвета, на которое удобно наносить пометки. Изделие градуировано в миллилитрах, размер самого мелкого деления — 0,5 мл.Материал пробирки и крышки — полипропилен, нейтральный к физиологическим и биологическим средам. Пробирку можно длительно эксплуатировать при температурах до +100°С и стерилизовать в автоклаве при t +120° не дольше 15 минут.Данное изделие востребовано в медицинских и биологических лабораториях, а также учреждениях, работающих с биоматериалами.Регистрационное удостоверение № ФСЗ 2012/11857 от 28 марта 2012 г.ХарактеристикиСтрана - производитель РоссияОбъем, мл 15Высота, мм 121Цена деления, мл 0,5Диаметр рабочей части, мм 17
USD 0.6/pcs 0.6
Spatula-spoon made of polystyrene. It is used in laboratory practice everywhere for a variety of jobs: - for adding a sample to the solution, adding reagents to volumetric flasks and vessels during a chemical reaction; - for weighing dry ingredients, stirring solutions, grinding pasty substances; - for taking samples of the substance, removing the sediment from the filter. The product has a comfortable shape. On the one hand, this is a spoon, on the other, a spatula. Made of durable polystyrene, it can be used in the temperature range from –10 ° С to +70 ° С. Characteristics Manufacturer country Italy Length mm 180 Overall dimensions, mm width 22
USD 0.16/pcs 0.16
The container is sterile, polypropylene. The laboratory container is a cylindrical vessel with graduation. There is a thread on the neck, the delivery set includes a screw cap made of colored plastic. It is important to note that the container is graduated at 40 ml, although the container has a larger capacity of 60 ml. The product is used to collect, store and transport biomaterials. The polypropylene container is an important part of the equipment of medical institutions and biological laboratories.
USD 94.17/pcs 94.17
A convenient and practical device - a dryer for all types of laboratory glassware, with a neck diameter of at least 15 mm. The dimensions of the product are 450 x 630 x 110 mm. The dryer is a 4mm polystyrene panel with holes for the pins. One drying panel is designed to hold 72 items. The design of the product provides for the installation of several dryers together. The material of the dryer is impact-resistant and durable. The delivery set includes two types of pins: 72 units of pins for dishes measuring 95x15 mm, as well as special pins for placing small dishes on the dryer (the size of pins is 95x6 mm). In addition, mounting hooks and instructions are supplied with the dryer. Characteristics Manufacturer country Italy Overall dimensions, mm 450x630x110

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