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All Safety & ecology suppliers from Kazakhstan

Атырау, Kazakhstan
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Lattice flooring (made of metal ) is a material made of load-bearing and cover steel strips, interconnected in a certain configuration. The bearing strips bear the main load, and the transverse strips are the connecting strips. Most types of gratings are framed with steel strip. The main features of lattice decks - high strength , wear resistance , ease of installation, aesthetic appearance - contributed to their widespread use in such industries as construction , architecture , industry , and landscaping . Lattice decks are used as load-bearing structures of structures that can withstand high loads, are used in the construction of construction and observation platforms, various fences, overpasses .
Атырау, Kazakhstan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Three-phase separator - used for the preparation of natural and associated petroleum gases during their production and subsequent processing and consumption, as well as separation of the liquid fraction by density - into light (gas condensate, oil) and heavy (water)
USD 1101.12 - 110112.36/pcs
Refrigeration units for outdoor installation Split Ice Box systems are designed to create and maintain a temperature regime inside a refrigerating (freezing) chamber and consist of two parts: a condensing unit outside and an evaporator - inside the chamber, connected by a pipeline. The unit is charged with R404A refrigerant (R507 and R407C refrigerants can also be used). Ice Box C The outdoor and indoor units can be located at some distance from each other. Due to this, split systems can be used for cameras equipped in rooms with wall thickness and ceiling heights that do not allow the installation of monoblocks. Also, split systems are resistant to any atmospheric conditions and can be installed both indoors and outdoors. The electronic control unit of the split-system is installed on the electrical panel, maintains the set temperature in the cooled volume, and turns on the defrosting mode of the evaporator. There are two types of split systems: Ice Box Blue and Ice Box Green - low and medium temperature, respectively. Ice Box C Complete set Ice Box split systems are supplied in the following set: condensing unit evaporator passport (operation manual) Compressors and other components from leading European manufacturers are used in split systems. Produced on the basis of hermetic and semi-hermetic compressors.

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