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Personal care products in bulk on Qoovee

Pharma Plus LLP
Almaty, Kazakhstan
USD 0.03 - 0.04/pairs
Wally Plastic нитровиниловые одноразовые перчатки. Одноразовые перчатки широко используются в индустрии красоты, в быту и медицине. Одноразовые перчатки предназначены для защиты рук от проникновения грибков, бактерий и вирусов, воздействия косметических и химических средств, кислот, масел, жира и спирта. Нитровиниловые одноразовые перчатки могут быть использованы при работе с пищевыми продуктами. Нитровиниловые перчатки идеально подходят: в процедурах шугаринга, депиляции и эпиляции, при окраске и уходе за волосами, в процедурах маникюра и педикюра, при мытье посуды, приготовлении пищи или уборке.
Pharma Plus LLP
Almaty, Kazakhstan
USD 1.33/pcs 1.33
3m Respirator 1860, NIOSH Approved: N95 FDA Approved for Surgical Mask Helps Protect Against Certain Airborne Biological Particles Liquid Resistant & Disposable Parts NIOSH Approved: N95 FDA Approved For Surgical Mask Helps Protect Against Certain Biological Particles Airborne Liquid Resistant & Disposable SKU: 70070612364 UP ON THE CELSIUS SCALE: 50707387419429 This respirator and surgical mask helps protect the airway from some airborne biological particles. It is disposable and resistant to splash and splash of blood and other infectious materials.
Pharma Plus LLP
Almaty, Kazakhstan
USD 0.18/pcs 0.18
Blue non-sterile nitrile gloves. Delivery of other sizes and colors is possible on request. Cardboard box, 50 pairs inside. Manufactured in Malaysia. The quality is good, checked by shugaring and doctors and cosmetologists. They are also in demand in the household. High sensitivity, good fit, non-allergenic. Recommended by our clients. If you need other technologies and products, you can always contact our company, we will select the necessary equipment with a miscalculation of its cost and delivery. We supply goods directly from manufacturing plants, so we can offer unique prices for wholesale lots.
Владикавказ, Russia
USD 0.6/pcs 0.6
Описание средства Лосьон-спрей “Антибактериальный” продукт «премиум» класса 100мл, описание и предназначение: Лосьон-спрей антибактериальный “Дезомед” предназначен для очищения кожи рук; Представляет собой прозрачную бесцветную жидкость, без запаха; Состав: Полигексаметиленгуанидин, гидрохлорид, алкилдемилбензиламмоний хлорид, вода; Лосьон-спрей антибактериальный “Дезомед” предназначен для гигиенической обработки кожи рук, очищает, оставляет ощущение свежести, не требует смывания; Не вызывает раздражающего действия при попадании на кожу; Особенно рекомендуется для аллергиков и астматиков; Способ применения: равномерно распылить средство на кожу рук, распределить круговыми движениями до полного впитывания; Использовать только для наружного применения; Температура хранения не ниже 0 градусов по Цельсию, и не выше 25 градусов по Цельсию; Отсутствие непосредственного воздействия солнечного света; Срок хранения 5 лет.
Владикавказ, Russia
USD 5.04/pcs 5.04
Описание средства Средство «ДЕЗОМЕД Универсальный» продукт «премиум» класса 1000мл, описание и предназначение: Наши средства предназначены как ликвидации уже возникшей проблемы, так и как профилактическая мера, направленная на предупреждение заражения; Дезинфицирующее средство «ДЕЗОМЕД Универсальный» по параметрам острой токсичности относится к 4 классу мало опасных веществ при введении в желудок, к 4 классу мало опасных веществ при нанесении на кожу и в виде паров при ингаляционном воздействии, при парентеральном введении относится к 5 классу практически нетоксичных веществ, не оказывает местно-раздражающего действия в виде концентрата при однократном воздействии на кожу, не обладает кожно-резорбтивным и сенсибилизирующим действием; Для удаления неприятных запахов; Привыкание к дезинфицирующему средству — (синоним толерантность к применяемому средству) не вызывает привыкания вирусов и бактерий к препарату или не происходит ослабление эффекта воздействия при  многократном применении; Гипоаллергенное – это единственный, в своем роде уникальный, не имеющий аналогов дезинфектант с моющим эффектом, который не содержит хлора, спирта, кислот, щелочей, отдушек; Не вызывает раздражающего действия при попадании на кожу; Особенно рекомендуется для аллергиков и астматиков; Предлагаемое средство превосходит все известные на российском и зарубежном рынке продукты подобного назначения по потребительским характеристикам и соотношению цены и эффективности. для дезинфекции и мытья поверхностей в помещениях, жесткой и мягкой мебели, напольных ковровых покрытий, обивочных тканей, предметов обстановки, поверхностей аппаратов, приборов, санитарно-технического оборудования, белья, посуды, предметов для мытья посуды, резиновых полипропиленовых ковриков, уборочного инвентаря и материала, игрушек; инфекционных очагах при проведении текущей, заключительной и профилактической дезинфекции; для дезинфекции транспорта перевозящего продукты питания; для проведения генеральных уборок в детских дошкольных, школьных и других общеобразовательных и оздоровительных учреждениях, на коммунальных объектах, пенитенциарных и других учреждениях; для дезинфекции воздуха способом распыления на различных объектах, систем вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха (бытовые кондиционеры, сплит-системы, мультизональные сплит- системы, крышные кондиционеры и др.); для дезинфекции и мытья помещений и оборудования (кроме оборудования, имеющего контакт с пищевыми продуктами) на предприятиях общественного питания, продовольственной торговли, потребительских рынках, коммунальных объектах, гостиницах, общежитиях, бассейнах, аквапарках, фитнес-центрах, банях, саунах, местах массового скопления людей; для дезинфекции обуви с целью профилактики инфекций грибковой этиологии дерматофии); для дезинфекции помещений, оборудования, инструментов, спецодежды, воздуха прачечных, клубов, санпропускников и других объектов сферы обслуживания населения.
Владикавказ, Russia
USD 5.04/pcs 5.04
Описание средства Средство «ДЕЗОМЕД-Медицинский» 1000мл, предназначено: для дезинфекции различных объектов при инфекциях бактериальной (включая туберкулез, сибирской язвы), грибковой (кандидозы) и вирусной (полиомиелит, гепатиты всех видов) этиологии; для дезинфекции и мытья поверхностей в помещениях, жесткой и мягкой мебели, напольных ковровых покрытий, обивочных тканей, предметов обстановки, поверхностей аппаратов, приборов, санитарно-технического оборудования, белья, посуды (в том числе лабораторной), предметов для мытья посуды, резиновых ковриков, уборочного инвентаря и материала, игрушек, предметов ухода за больными, предметов личной гигиены в ЛПУ (включая клинические, диагностические и бактериологические лаборатории, отделения неонатологии, роддома, палаты новорожденных); для дезинфекции медицинского оборудования (в т.ч. кувезы, наркозно-дыхательная аппаратура, анестезиологическое оборудование и др.); для дезинфекции, стерилизации, (в том числе совмещенной с предстерилизационной очисткой, в том числе механизированным способом) изделий медицинского назначения (включая жесткие и гибкие эндоскопы, инструменты к ним, хирургические и стоматологические инструменты, в том числе вращающиеся, а также стоматологические материалы – оттиски из альгинатных, силиконовых материалов, полиэфирной смолы, зубопротезные заготовки из металлов, керамики пластмасс и других материалов); для предстерилизационной и окончательной очистки изделий медицинского назначения (включая жесткие и гибкие эндоскопы, инструменты к ним, хирургические, стоматологические инструменты, в том числе вращающиеся, а также стоматологические материалы) ручным и механизированным (с использованием ультразвука) способом; для дезинфекции высокого уровня эндоскопов; для стерилизации изделий медицинского назначения; для дезинфекции медицинских отходов – изделий медицинского назначения однократного применения, перевязочного материала, белья одноразового применения и т.д. перед их утилизацией в ЛПУ: для проведения генеральных уборок в лечебно-профилактических, детских дошкольных, школьных и других общеобразовательных и оздоровительных учреждениях, на коммунальных объектах, пенитенциарных и других учреждениях; для дезинфекции обуви с целью профилактики инфекций грибковой этиологии: для дезинфекции биологического материала; для обеззараживания крови и биологических выделений (мочи, фекалий, мокроты) в лечебно-профилактических учреждениях, диагностических и клинических лабораториях, на станциях и пунктах переливания и забора крови, на санитарном транспорте.
Владикавказ, Russia
USD 5.04/pcs 5.04
Описание средства Средство “ДЕЗОМЕД-ВЕТ” применяют для проведения профилактической и вынужденной дезинфекции объектов ветеринарного надзора: животноводческих, птицеводческих, звероводческих и рыбоводных помещений, вспомогательных объектов животноводства, находящегося в них технологического оборудования и инвентаря по уходу за животными: производственных помещений и технологического оборудования на предприятиях мясо- и птицеперерабатывающей промышленности и цехов по переработке продуктов убоя, помещений санитарных боен на мясокомбинатах и убойных пунктов в животноводстве (птицеводстве, звероводстве), молочных блоков на молочно-товарных фермах, кормокухонь, складских помещений, а также тары для хранения и перевозки кормов и мясомолочной продукции; автомобильного транспорта, железнодорожных вагонов и других видов транспортных средств, используемых для перевозки животных и птицы, и продукции животного происхождения, а также открытых объектов (рампы, эстакады, платформы, площадки), мест скопления животных и птицы (территория и объекты пред убойного содержания, рынков, выставок, спортплощадок и др.): помещений для содержания животных, технологического оборудования и инвентаря в зоопарках, цирках, питомниках, вивариях, ветеринарных лечебницах и клиниках; спецодежды обслуживающего персонала; для обеззараживания инкубационных яиц. санации водной среды при выращивании и транспортировке рыбы с целью профилактики инфекционных болезней; обеззараживания инкубационных цехов и производственных помещений, рыбоводных лотков, бассейнов, сетных садков, неводов и живорыбного транспорта; дезинфекции сачков, щеток, мочалок, используемых для отлова рыбы и мытья рыбоводных емкостей, заполнения дезбарьеров и дезковриков.
USD 0.6/pcs 0.6
Biocidal product for surface disinfection.   You can use the product as often as required. It has a lethal on bacteria and germs.   Antibacterial - Anti-Fungal   PRICE RANGE - $0.6 - $1.3   80pieces/canister
Владикавказ, Russia
USD 5.04/pcs 5.04
Описание средства Средство «ДЕЗОМЕД Универсальный» продукт «премиум» класса 1000мл, описание и предназначение: Для дезинфекции помещений,оборудования, инструментов, спецодежды, воздуха парикмахерских, массажных икосметических салонов, маникюрных и педикюрных кабинетов, салонов красоты,прачечных, клубов, санпропускников и других объектов сферы обслуживания населения.
USD 3.0 - 4.0/pcs
Thanks to the special actives Collagen and Vegan Hyaluronic Acid inside, it regenrates and moisturizes the skin. Thanks to its liposomed Vitamin C content, it evens out the skin tone and shows an illuminating effect. Salicylic Acid helps prevent the formation of black spots on the skin. Suitable for all skin types.
USD 2.8 - 3.0/pcs
If you have a dynamic lifestyle, the foundation you use should be able to keep up with it. Fortunately, the need to refresh make-up during the day for maintaining an excellent look is now a thing of the past. Derma Long-Lasting Foundation is assertive about being an indispensable product the make-up bag with its long-lasting effect. This foundation does not feel like an additional layer on the skin and looks quite natural thanks to the beneficial minerals in its formula. Derma Long-Lasting Foundation, which is composed of minerals such as kaolin, a natural clay, magnesium and sodium, and has 2 different colour options, adapts to every skin type and also does not give the skin a feeling of weight. With its long-lasting concealer effect and the vividness provided to the skin, you can enjoy the pleasure of looking good all day long. Derma Long-Lasting Foundation hides all skin imperfections such as sun spots, acnes and acne scars and it is a magnificent product with high concealer properties. It does not go away from the skin with factors such as sweat, moisture and time. Its velvety texture softens fine lines and gives a healthy skin appearance. Especially if you do not want to use more than one product, Derma Long-Lasting Foundation may be the right choice for you. The care taken in choosing the correct product should be also taken when using the product. Clean your skin before applying the foundation. Then apply the foundation evenly by use of an application tool such as a sponge or brush and just witness the change. For the perfect look that is not lost even during the longest day, you should definitely meet Derma Long-Lasting Foundation.
USD 0.7/pcs 0.7
Detox brand Anti Bacterial Wet Wipes 80 pcs pack Stocked in Metz, France, Frankfurt Germany, Belgium and  The antibacterial action helps to prevent the spread of bacteria. Wipes are the quick and easy way to keep your family hygienic. Clean and protective at home. They are ideal for immediate cleaning of hands and face or even surfaces Whether you are at home or outside, in the car during trips or holidays.   Extra large packaging. Alcohol Free. Paraben Free.
Eirini Efthymiadou
London, United Kingdom
Specify the price USD 0 0
Антибактериальные презервативы не только предохраняют от нежелательной беременности , но и имеют терапевтический эффект от таких заболеваний как кандида и др.Изготовлен с использованием нанотехнологий.
USD 8.0 - 10.5/pcs
DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 Hooded Jumpsuit Expert.Material: TYVEK polyethylene - 100%, 41 g/m²Weight: less than 180g.Closure: zipperDesign features: 3-piece hood provides optimal fit and freedom of movement of the head. Elasticated hood, cuffs and hem, glued-in elastic waistband.Design allows for freedom of movement.Easy to grip with gloves, oversized zipper pull tab.Tyvek® material is made from high-density polyethylene fibers using fast twist technology for a superior fit. protective properties, durability and convenience. Tyvek® is a breathable material that is permeable to air and water vapor, but repels splashes of aqueous solutions and aerosols. A high degree of barrier protection against fine particles, viral and bacterial agents, fibers up to 1 micron in size, and at the same time extremely low linting of the material itself. Antistatic treatment. Silicone-free. Applications: medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and gas, equipment repair, paint spraying, general cleaning and many others. Complies with TR CU 019/2011Color: white Size range: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
USD 0.98/pcs 0.98
Reusable lint-free cloth for clean rooms, laboratories, operating rooms, industries with increased requirements for cleanliness. • Used to remove excess sealant, mastic and other contaminants. • Due to the special structure of the knit, they have excellent absorbent properties and are able to capture dust particles. • Wipes do not contain silicone. • Convenient size and unique strength properties provide multiple use - at least 50 applications. • Maintain hostile environment for processing - solvents, acids, alcohols. • Sterilization is possible. (Autoclave, chemistry) Particularly strong and durable - technical cloth with overlaid edges. The standard size of 35x40 cm is convenient for any manipulations when cleaning or wiping equipment. Package options: 3 pcs. 5 pieces. 10 pieces. and more FORMULA FOR CALCULATION OF THE BENEFITS OF APPLICATION AND PURCHASE: 90r / 50 applications = 1rub 80 kopecks for 1 application!!!
"A&D shop"
Алматы, Kazakhstan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Description Power Source: USB,Battery,Electric,Power Supply Maximum Time: 90min Size: 15*3*3.5 Material: Metal Model: HI-LSD Blade Material: Stainless Steel Single Hood Size: 20*8*6cm Single Full weight: 0.260 kg
"A&D shop"
Алматы, Kazakhstan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Name: GEEMY Working Time: 180minutes Power Source: Electric Material: Stainless Stel Blade Model: GM6668 Blade Material: Stainless Steel Battery: 2000mAh Li-ion Battery Single package size: 23*22*7cm Single gross weight: 1.100kg
United States of America
USD 1.0/pcs 1.0
L'Oreal Cosmetic Lots 1. Wholesale loreal cosmetics, minimum order is 500 pieces. This will be an assortment of brand new loreal cosmetics only, Brand name Cosmetics such as lipstick, nail polish, mascara, eye liner, creams and foundation - ALL LOREAL COSMETICS 500 LOREAL ONLY COSMETICS $1.50 EACH PIECE 1000 LOREAL ONLY COSMETICS $1.40 EACH PIECE 2500 LOREAL $1.30 EACH 5000 PIECES LOREAL $1.20 EACH LOT WILL CONSIST OF ALL LOREAL COSMETICS BRAND NEW LOT WILL CONSIST OF ALL LOREAL COSMETICS NEW Product Specifications / Models BULK LOT ASSORTED LOREAL COSMETICS THIS LOT CONSISTED OF ALL LOREAL COSMETICS
Export Academy
USD 3.0 - 1000.0/pcs
Founded in 2009, Atomy is an international network marketing company with direct sales in 27 regions of the world, including Korea (as of December 2022). Since its inception, Atomy has developed rapidly through consumer-oriented network marketing, strictly adhering to Chairman Park Han-gil's principle of "absolute quality at absolute price". The company has worked tirelessly to create a foundation for sustainable growth through an innovative mindset that places customer success as its key goal, and the company's corporate culture is based on the principles of co-growth and participation. In 2022, Atomy's sales reached 2.2 trillion KRW (approximately US$1.84 billion), and as of December 2022, the company had 15 million registered members. Atomy uses a consumer-facing network marketing strategy. We select higher quality bargains at more reasonable prices and sell them through distribution channels that can compete with department stores, discount stores, home store chains and online retailers. In other words, for our customers, we find products that are more competitive in quality and price than similar products distributed through other channels. With this strategy, we intend to achieve our ultimate goal of moving from customer satisfaction to customer success.
USD 150.0/pcs 150.0
We have available on discunt sale ozempic and saxenda pen for sale with delivery availabe world wide, just dm us now
USD 200.0/pcs 200.0
We are top suppliers of fillers and weight loss injections of all types and we hve rady stock availbe to ship world wide. tursted by many our produts and timely delivery speaks .
Specify the price USD 0 0
Sanitary pads KANZ German brand 🇩🇪. Manufacturer ART International Hijyen✅ Made in Turkey🇹🇷 Ultra Normal 28 pcs./Ultra Long 22 pcs./Ultra Night 20 pcs. *Highly absorbent for maximum comfort *Quickly absorbs and retains moisture *Honeycomb texture prevents leaks *Cotton upper for comfort.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Детские подгузники (трусики)🐯 Немецкий бренд 🇩🇪. Производитель ART International Hijyen ✅ Сделано в Турции 🇹🇷
USD 10.0 - 15.0/pcs
Our Shilajit is 100% Pure, Natural extract from Himalayas, increases sexual power and improves harmones, helps fight fatigue and improves immunity; Relieves stress and anxiety; strenghtens bones and muscles; Builds stamina; and Supports healthy ageing.
United States of America
USD 100.0/pcs 100.0
Hyaluronic acid injections for wrinkle removal, hyaluronic acid facial filler, injectable dermal filler to buy dermal filler injections for face. Cruelty-free cross-linked hyaluronic acid restores youthful facial contours. CE, ISO, GMP, FSC we sell a good range of dermal fillers and beauty products. products.
United States of America
USD 5.0/pcs 5.0
Hair Care: Batiste, Goldwell, Kerastase, l'Oreal, Olaplex, Wella, Schwarzkopf, Tigi Makeup: Bourjois, Revlon, Rimmel, Maybelline, Max Factor Skin Care: Avene, Bioderma, Lancome, Clinique, Estee Lauder, Vichy Nail Care: Essie, OPI, Orly Accessories: Invisi Bobble, Tangle Teezer, Olivia garden
United States of America
USD 4.0/pcs 4.0
Bioderma Sensibio H2O Anti-Redness Micelle Solution 100ml Bioderma Sensibio H2O Anti-Redness Micelle Solution 250ml Bioderma Sensibio H2O Anti-Redness Micelle Solution 500ml Bioderma Sensibio (Crealine) TS H2O Micelle Solution (For Very Dry Skin) 500ml Bioderma Sebium H2O Cleansing Micelle Solution 100ml Bioderma Sebium H2O Cleansing Micelle Solution 250ml Bioderma Sebium H2O Cleansing Micelle Solution 5000ml Bioderma Sebium H2OCleansing Micelle Solution 500ml (For Combination/Oily Skin)
United States of America
USD 15.0/pcs 15.0
747930004479 La Mer The Concentrate serum 50ml           747930031574 La Mer The Concentrate serum 30ml           747930008231 La Mer Eye Concentrate 15ml            747930006251 La Mer Lip Balm 9g                747930039525 La Mer The Treatment Lotion 150ml           747930045427 La Mer The Lifting And Firming Masker 50ml       747930066972 La Mer The Powder 8g                 747930000020 La Mer Creme de la Mer 30ml            747930000013 La Mer Creme de la Mer 60ml            747930015918 La Mer Body Creme 200ml                 747930009788 La Mer Body Creme 300ml                747930033301 La Mer The Reparative Body lotion 200ml      747930096467 La Mer The Moisturizing Soft Cream 30ml      747930096405 La Mer The Moisturizing Soft Cream 60ml      747930042464 La Mer The Moisturizing Soft Cream 100ml      747930041917 La Mer The Moisturizing Soft Cream 250ml      747930000136 La Mer The Moisturizing Soft Cream 500ml
United States of America
USD 30.0/pcs 30.0
CLARINS Double Serum Full Range Wholesale We are a leading wholesaler distributor, lead player in the pharmaceutical, medical devices and cosmetic products distribution all over the world. We can provide huge quantities of branded products made in France, Spain, Italy, Europe, America and all over the world. If you are interested, please let us know the brands and references you are interested in and we'll be glad to satisfy your needs. For any details about our company and activities, please do not hesitate to contact usWe make different prices for different order quantities.We accept T/T transfer.Shipping: truck, sea and air.Contact us for detail.We are a EU wholesaler from 1979.We have in stock huge quantities of many cosmetic brand
USD 350.0/pcs 350.0
Paco Rabanne family's 1 Million men's perfume, which has become a legend, has a fresh and spicy content. The perfume of the brave, attractive and seductive man who loves the game.
USD 3.0/pcs 3.0
Sephora only What it is: A set of easy-to-use, reusable, and customizable press-on nails perfect for creating a salon-quality at-home manicure in minutes. Ingredient Label: Does not contain parabens, formaldehyde, formaldehyde releasers, phthalates, mineral oil, retinyl palmitate, oxybenzone, coal tar, hydroquinone, sulfates SLS and SLES, triclocarban, triclosan, synthetic fragrance content is less than 1%. It's also vegan, gluten-free, cruelty-free, and comes in recyclable packaging. What else you need to know: Glamnetic Press-On Nails is available at nail salons. These high-quality nails last up to three weeks and offer game-changing durability. Additionally, all Glamnetic nails are reusable, easy to apply, and can be cut or filed for complete customization. Now you can enjoy the perfect DIY mani in minutes. This set contains: - 30 nails - Nail glue (2 ml/.07 oz) - Nail file - Cuticle stick - Alcohol pads.
USD 3.0/pcs 3.0
Sephora only What it is: A set of easy-to-use, reusable, and customizable press-on nails perfect for creating a salon-quality at-home manicure in minutes. Ingredient Label: Does not contain parabens, formaldehyde, formaldehyde releasers, phthalates, mineral oil, retinyl palmitate, oxybenzone, coal tar, hydroquinone, sulfates SLS and SLES, triclocarban, triclosan, synthetic fragrance content is less than 1%. It's also vegan, gluten-free, cruelty-free, and comes in recyclable packaging. What else you need to know: Glamnetic Press-On Nails is available at nail salons. These high-quality nails last up to three weeks and offer game-changing durability. Additionally, all Glamnetic nails are reusable, easy to apply, and can be cut or filed for complete customization. Now you can enjoy the perfect DIY mani in minutes. This set contains: - 30 nails - Nail glue (2 ml/.07 oz) - Nail file - Cuticle stick - Alcohol pads.
USD 56.0/pcs 56.0
1" Volcanic lava Ceramic barrel provides less damage to the hair offering smooth, shiny results Cool shot button sets curls for long-lasting results Fast styling and long-lasting results without the damaging effects of high temperature Lava Ceramic minerals conduct ions, which smooth, reduce frizz and lock-in shine providing moist heat for healthier hair Lcd Digital TEMPERATURE display and with 1Hr auto shut-off
USD 113.0/pcs 113.0
✔ PREMIUM SALON QUALITY AT HOME: The Revel Hair Multi-Styler features six diverse airflow attachments to dry, detangle, smooth, curl, and style your hair, putting effortless beauty at your fingertips. ✔ AIRFLOW STYLING FOR HEALTHY HAIR: Utilizing Coanda technology, style your hair quickly and without the damaging effects of high heat, promoting healthier hair and boosting your confidence. ✔ COOL SHOT TO LOCK-IN LOOKS: Benefit from the hands-free cool-shot function that locks in your perfect style, helping you maintain a lasting, stunning look throughout the day. ✔ CUSTOMIZE FOR YOUR HAIR NEEDS: Choose from three heat levels and three power settings to customize your hair styling process to cater to your unique hair type and desired style. ✔ IONIC TECHNOLOGY & ULTRA-QUIET: Benefit from the Multi-Styler's efficient and quiet brushless motor, providing long-lasting performance that mimics professional salon equipment. Plus, ionic technology helps achieve healthier-looking and smoother-feeling hair with a natural shine.
USD 75.0/pcs 75.0
★【7 IN 1 Hair Styling Tools】--hair dryer,left-right curly hair, straight hair comb,twist comb,wind hood concentrator.We can choose different accessories to create different hairstyles. You can use these attachments to add volume, curls, waves, and more, all with a single tool.Easy to change brush heads,come with heat-resistant glove keeps you away from getting burned during use. ★【Safe to Use】----Hot air wrap brush with 110v U.S. voltage standard, ALCI safety plug will automatically power off, in line with U.S. safety requirements, 360°professional rotation of the wire does not knot, more secure; anti-scald hot hair brushes with high temperature resistant material accessories, upgraded noise reduction design to provide a comfortable and intimate use experience. ★【Negative Ionic Hair Dryer】--Great at smoothing your frizzy hair and moisture into your hair, making your hair healthier, softer, and shiner.The handle of this hairdryer brush it is ergonomic and easy to grip with a 360 degree rotatable power cord, allowing you to make it easy and comfortable to use. ★【Easy to Use:】--This hair dryer is designed to be simple and lightweight, easy to carry, and comes with three attachments that can easily complete various hairstyles. It is an ideal choice for travel, going out, and home use. ★【3 Temperature Settings&1 High Speed Wind】 Hair dryer easy to use,the newly improved hair dryer is equipped with a 110,000 RPM high-speed brushless motor, strong airflow can dry hair in a short time, meet all hair style need➤ 1: Low Temperature, for dry hair / fine hair, Suitable for summer use. ➤ 2: Medium Temperature 75℃, for semi-dry hair / normal hair, Suitable for styling. ➤ 3: High Temperature 130℃, for wet hair / thick and curly hair, Suitable for winter use, dry hair quickly.
USD 107.0/pcs 107.0
【6 IN 1 Air Auto-Wrap Curling Wand Set&High-Speed Brushless Motor】This multi-styling tool has a self-developed high-speed brushless motor that can reach up to110000 RPM, ,generate strong airflow, strong wind output and quickly dry, and is several times larger than common styling tools. No need any skills, just put your hair onto the hair barrel gently, then press the button and shape it for a short period of time to get charming curly hair for auto curling,such as waves, spiral curls,bouncing. 【Negative Ion&Fast Heat Technology】The hair dryer releases thousands of negative ion airflows to care for your hair during drying.It heats up quickly and can release negative ions at 360 °, minimizing curls and static electricity, reducing damage, and better conditioning hair; coating evenly distributes heat, quickly penetrates hair, and accelerates drying from inside out, helping you create a smooth and glossy hairstyle. This will help you maintain beautiful and soft wavy curls all day long. 【Low Noise&Intelligent Constant Temperature Control】The air auto-wrap curling iron efficiently complete salon styling with low noise, and the slim handle design is more comfortable and convenient to use.This multi hair styler with intelligent heat regulation setting that automatically adjusts a stable temperature and adopts a ceramic coating process to smooth the static frizz effectively, get luxury salon hair care to volumize and shine without heat damage. 【LED Temperature Indicator&For Multiple Hairstyles】Equipped with an ultra long swivel cable, there will be LED lights indicating blue/orange/red color show room/warm/hot air respectively. Combining curler barrel, curler comb, and hair dryer, while making hair smooth and reducing heat damage. Suitable for all age groups and various hair types, hair dryers can quickly create a fluffy feel at the roots, dense curls, and wavy ends, creating the hairstyle you want, while always having a good mood. 【ALCI Safety Plug&Wonferful Gifts】Our product meets your requirements and equipped with a ALCI safety plug, which can detect any current imbalance and turn it off to prevent electric shock. When using and replacing detachable hair dryers, please wear anti burn gloves to prevent burns. Suitable for outdoor travel, best gift for yourself/family/friends for birthdays, and party. Note: we suggest that you can hold a small piece of hair each time you curl.
USD 68.0/pcs 68.0
Fast Drying: Hair dryer blows air at 1680 watts to dry hair quickly Safe Hair Care: Ceramic material prevents heat damage to hair Easy to Use: Corded electric design powers the dryer from a wall outlet Stylish Design: Sleek black color and ultra-thin profile Long Lasting: Built to last with a 90 day limited warranty
USD 79.0/pcs 79.0
【2000W Powerful High-speed Motor, Super-fast Drying】 Slopehill professional hair dryer features an airflow of 26 m/s and a speed of 110,000 RPM, suitable for salon and home. Compact and stylish brushless hair dryers is more suitable for women. 【Bio Ceramic and Ion Hair Care Technology】 Ionic hair dryer delivers 30 million negative ions with a steady distribution, using 100 times/second of sophisticated temperature control. Static electricity is reduced with a blow dryer using far-infrared heat, leaving hair lustrous and soft. 【Quiet & Portable】 Small hair dryer is low noise level under 75 dB. Travel is made easy by the little dryer's portability and lightweight (0.75 pounds/340g). Strong wind direction and heat setting are shown on LED indicator. For flexible hairstyling, blower offers 12 various combinations of four temperature (cold air), three wind speed. 【Automatic Cleaning & Memory Function】 Pro rotating hair dryer has a removable filter with auto-cleaning feature and 360° magnetic attachment connection. When curly hair dryer is turned on again, its built-in memory feature will activate the previous setting. 【Fuse & Low Radiation】 US standard ALCl protection plug on diffuser hair dryer protects against leakage and overheating, having passed UL859 and CPC certifications. Low radiation is safe for children and pregnant women.
USD 32.0/pcs 32.0
【6 IN 1 Brush Blow Dryer】This 6 in 1 hot air brush kit includes 1*hair dryer, 1*hair straightening brush, 2x auto-wrap curlers, 1* Styling Brush for straightening and volumizing, 1*Massage hot brush for daily combing. Wear anti-scalding gloves when changing the Removable blow head to prevent burns. During the first few minutes of initial use you may notice a slight odor which is completely normal and it will quickly disappear. 【 Tips for using a hot air curler 】 1.Hold a small section of hair about 10cm/3.93" from the tips. 2.Bring the hair toward the barrel,hair will begin to wrap. 3.Must be Start wrap from the hair tips. 4.Create tension and bring towards your head. 5.Hold in place for 15s or until dry. 6. Turn off and release. The usage of hot air curling sticks is different from the regular curling sticks. If you are confused during use, please contact us and we will provide you with professional service support 【Auto Absorption Curling Iron】Powerful airflow blows out from the curler attachment, continuously forming a clockwise surrounding airflow around the curler, Enhanced Coanda effect, makes hair automatically adhere to the surface, for clockwise and counterclockwise curls. Creates voluminous, smooth, and natural curls without extreme heating, creating hassle-free curls in seconds. 6 in 1 hair styler Meet All Your Style Needs, be the most shining queen. 【3 Temperature Settings】 ➤ 1: Low Temperature, HIGH WIND SPEED, for dry hair / fine hair, Suitable for summer use. ➤ 2: Medium Temperature, HIGH WIND SPEED, for semi-dry hair / normal hair, Suitable for styling. ➤ 3: High Temperature, HIGH WIND SPEED for wet hair / thick and curly hair, Suitable for winter use, dry hair quickly. Temperature control allows you to choose the optimum one to fit your hair type. 【Use Tips】Our hair brush blow dryer plug have standard US ALCI Safety Plug Auto Leakage Protection. During use, the handle temperature is high, please don’t worry, we have undergone numerous high-temperature experiments and have safety and explosion-proof properties. At the same time, Wear anti-scalding gloves when changing the Removable blow head to prevent burns. During the few minutes of initial use you may notice a slight odor which is completely normal and it will quickly disappear.

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